
April 1, 2020


Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand, with our Tall Ships and Operators, continue to monitor the outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19. This pandemic has had a […]
March 10, 2020
Picton Castle

Teacher Wanted to Sail the South Pacific

Barque Picton Castle is now accepting applications for a home school Teacher/Trainee Crew Member for an upcoming voyage to the South Pacific. Picton Castle will embark on a year-long […]
March 1, 2020
Europa at Sea

Young Scientists on board Europa

For years Bark Europa has been inviting young scientists along on her ocean crossings, and this will continue on her voyages to Australia later this year! Young scientists […]
February 24, 2020

Williamstown Seaport Festival

The inaugural annual waterfront festival for seafarers and landlubbers alike, to celebrate Williamstown’s waterfront heritage, lifestyle and industry, will take place from 27 February to 1 […]
February 12, 2020
Duyfken Sailing

Duyfken Summer of Twilight Sails

The Duyfken Twilight Sail is a truly unique experience. You not only get the chance to relax and unwind, you can also learn how crew of […]
February 3, 2020

Support Regional Australia: Paynesville Classic Boat Rally 2020

This summer has been extremely trying for all in Australia. The bush fires have directly impacted many in our community, and our thoughts are with those […]