Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand, with our Tall Ships and Operators, continue to monitor the outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19.

This pandemic has had a severe impact on almost every part of the community, and our Operators have been significantly affected.

Most Tall Ships have returned alongside in their home ports, deferring or suspending voyage programs. Some are able to bring forward maintenance work with a view to sailing later in the year, when restrictions have been lifted. For many, the measures we are all taking to ‘flatten the curve’ have created a financial and logistical challenge unprecedented in our organisational memory.

Keep checking our website for sailing opportunities later in the year, and stay in touch with your local Tall Ship Operators to find out how you can give them support, including:

  • book a voyage or a day sail for next spring and summer;
  • donate to support ship maintenance or youth scholarships and bursaries;
  • share your stories and experiences to remind our amazing community of operators, educators, volunteers, crew, and shore staff of the wonderful work they do.

For our Operators, we will share information and resources as they become available. We realise there will be long-lasting effects on you and your teams and will continue to work with you to build a stronger tall ship community into the future.

In Australia, further information on COVID-19 can be found at

In New Zealand, further information regarding COVID-19 can be found at:

Be mindful of others and stay safe.


Stephen Moss CSC
Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand

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