Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand is pleased to confirm the following details and agenda for the 2020 Annual General Meeting.

Date: Saturday 5 September 2020
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Videoconference (link will be forwarded via email)

The Annual General Meeting Agenda and Statement of Financial Position, A12 Return and the 2019 Annual General Meeting Minutes, are available for download.

Special Resolution 

Notice is hereby given of a proposal to amend the Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand Constitution via Special Resolution.

The proposed amendment is to section 14(5) of the Constitution, related to composition and membership of the committee. In order to pass, at least three-quarters of the votes cast must be in favour of the amendment. 

To provide all members the opportunity to vote, the proposal will be put to the membership via an electronic ballot. An email containing a link to the ballot will be forwarded during the week prior to the Special General Meeting. The ballot will close on 4 September 2020.

Please read details of the Special Resolution.

Committee Nominations

All Committee positions will be open for nomination and election, and regular business will be conducted, including presentation of the annual accounts. Nominations for the Committee are being sought ahead of the Annual General Meeting. Positions subject to vote by the membership are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Committee Member*

*Committee Members may be appointed to lead activities and initiatives as agreed by the Committee throughout the year.

Members and Operator representatives are encouraged to nominate for the Committee to diversify perspectives brought to deliberations, enable succession planning, and secure organisational continuity.

Persons wishing to nominate for the Committee should complete the nomination form including a brief biography and statement of nomination of no more than 100 words. Nomination forms seconded by a financial member should be emailed to mail@tallships.org.au and must be received no later than Monday 24 August 2020.

Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand Committee Nomination Form

If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, an electronic ballot will be held. Members will be notified of options to vote via email.

Operator Conference

The biannual Operators Conference is an important opportunity for Operators to meet, network and engage on issues relevant to the industry. Due to restrictions associated with COVID-19, the Operator Conference usually scheduled in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting will be postponed to a date to be determined. In the interim, Operators are invited to contact the Committee via email or contact each other directly via the Operator discussion forum.

Operator Reports can be forwarded via email for circulation.

Annual Awards

Each year, Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand awards

  • the Ken Murray Billy Can Award, for an outstanding achievement in the youth development sail training arena; and
  • the Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand Medallion, awarded to
    • young persons between the ages of 16 and 23 years who have shown outstanding personal achievement during a voyage; or to
    • individuals who have shown outstanding personal achievement either on board or in support of the organisation’s vessel.

Operators are invited to submit nominations for these awards. Nomination forms can be emailed to mail@tallships.org.au.

Nominations for the Billy Can Trophy must be received by 28 August 2020.

Nominations for Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand Medallions can be submitted throughout the year.

Billy Can Award Nomination Form
Tall Ships Australia and New Zealand Medallion Nomination Form

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